
Friday, April 13, 2012

25 Weeks-I promised a picture...

Friday, April 13, 2012
25 weeks down only 15 more to go!  I'm feeling really great, this pregnancy thing so far has been a breeze (knock on wood).  The only complaint I have so far is the intense leg cramps/charley horse's I get at night, every night! Last night I woke up to one in both legs at the same time! I didn't know what to do, I just flung both legs up in the air attempting to stretch and flex while I winced in pain. They really are no fun!

Other than that the second trimester has been great. I've had the majority of my energy back, my emotions are somewhat in check (depending on the day... ok depending on the minute), and I've loved seeing and feeling this little girl kick me!

Now that the second trimester is winding down and I'm getting closer to the third, I'm starting to get more tired and my emotions are starting to get out of whack again. I'm starting once again to cry over everything. I even cry over the fact that I don't know why I'm crying. Lance really is a champ, he has been so supportive and will just sit and hold me and try his hardest not to laugh when I'm crying over nothing.

I'm starting to feel more and more like I did during the first trimester-Sleepy all the time, cranky, and emotional. The only problem is with this growing belly, sleeping is starting to get more and more difficult and I end up waking up multiple times in the night. I have a feeling this last trimester is going to get a bit tough. But on the bright side, it is preparing me for sleepless nights that I will have once this little girl gets here.

6 months 1 week and 3 days pregnant! 
Lance and I cannot wait for her to get here but at the same time we are trying to enjoy the last bit of time we have with just the two of us. We have decided to take another trip before her arrival- we are going back to either  DC or Chicago. I'm pretty sure it'll be DC because we realized the other day there are THREE Cafe Rio's out here on the east coast and one happens to be only a few miles away from DC. Seeing how I crave that place even when I'm not pregnant, I hold the trump card. I'm just upset we didn't realize its location last fall when we were there!

Only 102 days till her arrival! YAY!


  1. Ok hi, you are so stinkin' cute!!

    1. hahah thanks! P.S we miss you! We will have to get together when we are home for Christmas! :)

  2. You are so cute!!! I bet she is going to be the most adorable baby ever!!! I definitely need to come out and visit sometime. I miss you lots and lots!

    1. Thanks Birdie! I'm definitely excited for her arrival! I would absolutely love if you made a trip out here! We would have so much fun :) I miss you!


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